Associate Partner Package


8 in stock



Only available if you have purchased a stand at CCBCF

Partner logo acknowledgement of CCBCF website & and all email newsletters sent post signing.
Feature article section on CCBCF website promoting your stand, beverages pouring and a meet the brewer article
Feature article Inclusion in 1x EDM to 40,000 SpecTAPular Events NSW subscribers
1 x Social media post across CCBCF Facebook and Instagram channels promoting your stand, beverages pouring and
activation. a meet the brewer article on the website
1 x Social media post across CCBCF Facebook and Instagram channels promoting the meet the brewer article on the
CCBCF website
1 x Full page advert in the official Festival Digital Guide distributed to all attendees

Promotional Tickets: 10 x Free GA tickets + Additional tickets available at a 20% partner discount rate

Support by Associate Partner to promote your presence at CCBCF required by partner:
1 x placement in your community newsletter
1 x Instagram tile post and 3 x Instagram story posts
1 x Facebook page post and 3 x Facebook story posts